Our Staff Make the Difference
PCC is entirely run by volunteers. From the cooks to the counselors, from the dishwashers to the directors, all of our staff are essential. Camp literally could not happen without our volunteer staff. If you are interested in staffing, please contact the directors for the week you are interested in.
Staffing Requirements
At PCC, all staff must meet the following criteria:
- All staff over the age of 18 must be a baptized member of the Church of Christ.
- All junior staff must have been aged out of the week they’re staffing for at least one year. Exceptions to this rule may be made on an individual basis at the discretion of the directors.
- All staff over the age of 18 are expected to comply with Pennsylvania’s background check laws. For more information on this, please contact a director.
Staffing Positions
We have many volunteer positions to fill each year. This list is intended to give you some idea of what each position is responsible for. Please contact a director for the week you’re interested in staffing if you’d like to learn more.
Our cooks work tirelessly to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the week. Our cooks also help serve the food during meals.
- Age Requirement: Over 18 preferred
- Minimum Number Needed: ~4
- Duties Performed: Preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner; serving each meal; and planning the week’s menu (head cook only)
Counselors are responsible for the safety and well being of the campers. Counselors have the most interaction with the campers. While each week does have different expectations of their counselors based off the need of the campers, there are some general expectations that apply to each week:
- Age Requirement: Over 18
- Minimum Number Needed: 2 per gender
- Preferred Quantity (per gender): 2 for Senior Week, 3 for Junior Week, 1 per Cabin for Beginner Week
- Duties Performed: Ensuring campers are accounted for, maintaining a safe environment, lead a short devotional before lights out, and being generally responsible for all campers. For more specific information, please reach out to one of the weekly directors.
Sports Director
Sports directors are responsible for planning and running sports activities. PCC is not a sports camp, so the idea behind these activities is to provide a fun time for all campers, regardless of their athletic ability. Being athletic is not required.
- Age Requirement: 16 minimum, but over 18 preferred
- Minimum Number Needed: 1 per gender
- Duties Performed: Planning and leading sports, water activities, and evening activities.
Junior Staff
Junior staff are primarily responsible for washing dishes after every meal, helping with canteen, helping with sports, and doing whatever else is asked of them. Junior staff work hard, but they have plenty of time to enjoy camp.
- Age Requirement: None, but must have been aged out of the week they’re staffing for at least one year (Exceptions to this rule may be made on an individual basis at the discretion of the directors).
- Minimum Number Needed: 5 (may vary by week)
- Duties Performed: Setting up the Mess Hall for each meal, washing dishes, assisting at Canteen, and helping out where needed. (Note: Responsibilities are often divided or rotated between each Junior Staff in order to keep the individual workload fair and balanced)
General Staff
General staff includes floaters, Bible class teachers, canteen, and other positions which don’t fit neatly into one category. General Staff are expected to help out wherever they may be needed.
Staffing With Kids?
Our pre-camper program is open to any staff member’s children (excluding handheld infants) who are not of the camping age for the week they will be attending. Our pre-camper program includes an age-appropriate Bible class, as well as some participation in sports and other camper activities.
Pre-campers are still primarily the responsibility of their parent or guardian while at camp, and the counselors are not responsible for keeping an eye on pre-campers.
There is a $25 fee for pre-campers to cover the cost of food.