What time should I arrive on registration day?
Registration is from 1-3 on Saturday. When you arrive at camp, you will check your camper in at canteen. This will be the first building on your right as you come into camp. Campers must be checked in before going to the cabins.
What if I arrive early or late for registration?
If you arrive early for registration, you will need to wait for registration to begin. Our directors and staff may still be arriving and setting up for the week before registration, and you will not be permitted to go to the cabins before registration begins.
If you arrive after registration has ended, you should locate a director in the mess hall to complete the registration process. Please do so before going to the cabins to ensure that there is room in the cabin you select.
If you know you will arrive early or late for registration, please get director approval ahead of time.
What is Canteen?
At certain times throughout the day, campers can buy candy, soda, and water at canteen. It is suggested that campers bring $25 for canteen for the week. This money is deposited during registration so that campers won’t have to keep track of their money during the week.
What are the cabins like?
The cabins all have 2-4 beds, with each bed having a closet. Our cabins do not have electricity or running water. Latrines are available for camper use.
What is the lodge? Can campers stay in the lodge?
The lodge is a set of two large cabins with electricity which each sleep 8 people. Beginner week campers who have never attended PCC before will be assigned to the lodge. However, if they wish to stay in a cabin with a friend who has attended PCC before, they may do so. During Junior and Senior week, the lodge is used to house staff.
Can my camper bunk with friends?
At PCC, we do not assign cabins, with the exception of first year beginner week campers, who will be assigned to the lodge. During registration, campers will be able to select a cabin for themselves. If they would like to be with a friend, they may sign that friend into their cabin as well.
What if I need to drop my kid off later in the week?
If you need to drop your kid off later in the week, please reach out to a director.
What time is pick up at the end of camp?
Campers can be picked up between 8 and 10 am on Saturday. Campers must be checked out of their cabin by a counselor and will take their luggage to the shed. Parents will not be permitted to drive down to the cabins to pick up their child’s stuff.
What if I need to pick up my kid early or late?
If you need to pick up your kid before 8 am on Saturday, please let a director know during registration.
For Junior week and Senior week campers, a late pickup may be permitted at the director’s discretion.
For Beginner week, all campers must be picked up no later than 10 am on Saturday, as we need to vacate the campsite and close out camp. Since PCC must be out of the campgrounds by noon, there is very little room to make exceptions to this rule. If this may present a problem for you, please contact a director.
If my child is staffing and camping back-to-back weeks, do I need to be present for registration for the second week?
If your child is staffing and camping consecutive weeks, you do not need to be present for registration for the second week. Your child will be permitted to stay at camp during the transition.
My child has special dietary needs. How will camp accommodate this?
We strive to accommodate the dietary needs of every camper, but we are limited in our ability to accommodate special dietary needs. We have limited kitchen space and staff. If your child has special dietary needs, please contact a director before arriving at camp to discuss arrangements.
My child is a picky eater. What if they don’t like the food?
We understand that not every kid will like every meal, so we provide alternatives at every meal. Cereal is served at breakfast, and PB&J is available at every meal. Our menu is kid friendly, and even the pickiest eaters will usually find something they like, so you shouldn’t worry too much that your child will end up eating PB&J all week.
Can I call my child?
There is only one phone at camp. Therefore, we try to reserve it for emergency use only.
Can my child contact me?
If your child wants to write home, they are welcome to bring stationery and stamps. We try to limit phone calls home as calling home often makes homesickness worse. If you’re concerned about your child, we suggest writing to them. This will give your child something to hold on to as well, and it can really brighten their day!
Additional Questions?
If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please reach out to pcc@pachristiancamp.net